Financial Planner, Is it worth it to see one?

Recently I employed a painter. I could have done it myself. On the face of it, it would be cheaper…but is it really? I don’t think so. I’d need to buy brushes, sandpaper, paint, rollers, etc. I would need to go to Bunnings. I would need to watch Youtube videos on the process. All of this takes many hours. And I would take twice…or three times as long as him. He’s far more efficient than I could ever be due to his experience. Also, there’s a good chance I’ll screw something up along the way.
It’s like this with financial planning. I can, once I have an in-depth knowledge of your situation, very quickly analyse what you should be doing to make you way more efficient, financially.
Take superannuation as an example, in my opinion, this is the best vehicle to create and store wealth in Australia. What other option do you have where the tax rate is less than 15% prior to age 60 and 0% after? This makes superannuation a hugely compelling vehicle for nearly all Australians. The problem with superannuation is that it has many rules and these rules are complex. I will only take on clients where I can add significant value. Often the fee that you are paying me, as a financial planner, can be recouped many times over due to tax savings, reductions in fees relating to your super, or not losing vast sums of super in the event of a market correction.
In summary, if I cannot add a lot of value to your situation, I won’t be charging you a fee.
Want to discuss your options with your Sunshine Coast financial Planner? Give Mike Beal a call on 0409 799 279.